Who are the scientists with the biggest social media impact in Norway? Howard Browman is one of them.

16 August 2022 – Who are the scientists with the biggest social media impact in Norway? That is the question that the TwiLi Index attempts to answer. The ‘Twitter-LinkedIn’ index ranks researchers affiliated with research institutions in Norway based on their Twitter and LinkedIn following. Howard Browman is on the list. To be impactful on social media you have to make it part of your daily routine. I strongly recommend separating your personal and professional social media presence: create a separate account for your research on social media and do not post about personal matters on that account. Also, only disseminate information that is closely related to your own work. Be disciplined; for example, do not get involved in exchanges with trolls. There are alot of good resources for scientists who want to get started on social media; for example, Marcel Bogers 2021 essay in Nature, “Five principles for scientists on social media” and Anne-Will Harzing‘s series of blog posts on Social media in academia.