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Measurements of underwater noise radiated by commercial ships at a cabled ocean observatory

Zhang, G., T.N. Forland, E. Johnsen, G. Pedersen & H. Dong. 2020. Measurements of underwater noise radiated by commercial ships at a cabled ocean observatory. Marine Pollution Bulletin 153 (2020): 110948. doi: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2020.110948.
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Accumulation and effects of microplastic fibers in American lobster larvae (Homarus americanus)

Woods, M.N., T.J. Honga, D. Baughmanad, G. Andrews, D.M. Fields & P.A. Matrai. 2020. Accumulation and effects of microplastic fibers in American lobster larvae (Homarus americanus) . Marine Pollution Bulletin 157: 111280. doi: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2020.111280.
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“A cleaner break”: Genetic divergence between geographic groups and sympatric phenotypes revealed in ballan wrasse (Labrus bergylta)

Seljestad, G.W., M. Quintela E. Faust, K.T. Halvorsen, F. Besnier, E. Jansson, G. Dahle, H. Knutsen, C. Andre, A. Folkvord & K.A. Glover. 2020. “A cleaner break”: Genetic divergence between geographic groups and sympatric phenotypes revealed in ballan wrasse (Labrus bergylta). Ecology and Evolution 2020;00:1–16. doi: 10.1002/ece3.6404.
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A flexible autonomous robotic observatory infrastructure for bentho-pelagic monitoring

Aguzzi, J., J. Albiez, S. Flögel, O.R. Godø, E. Grimsbø, S. Marini, O. Pfannkuche, E. Rodriguez, L. Thomsen, T. Torkelsen, J. Valencia, V. López-Vázquez, H. Wehde & G. Zhang. 2020. A flexible autonomous robotic observatory infrastructure for bentho-pelagic monitoring. Sensors 20, no. 6: 1614.
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An automated pipeline for image processing and data treatment to track activity rhythms of Paragorgia arborea in relation to hydrographic conditions

Zuazo, A., J. Grinyó, V. López-Vázquez, E. Rodríguez, C. Costa, L. Ortenzi, S. Flögel, J. Valencia, S. Marini, G. Zhang, H. Wehde & J. Aguzzi. 2020. An automated pipeline for image processing and data treatment to track activity rhythms of Paragorgia arborea in relation to hydrographic conditions” Sensors 20, no. 21: 6281.
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In situ calibration of observatory broadband echosounders

Ona, E., G. Zhang, G. Pedersen & E. Johnsen. 2020. In situ calibration of observatory broadband echosounders. ICES Journal of Marine Science 77: 2954-2959. doi: 10.1093/icesjms/fsaa177.
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Catchability and selectivity in a multi-species wrasse fishery in Western Norway

Ruud, M.A. 2020. Catchability and selectivity in a multi-species wrasse fishery in Western Norway. Master of Science Thesis, University of Agder, Norway.
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A comprehensive hypothesis on the migration of European glass eels (Anguilla anguilla)

Cresci, A. 2020. A comprehensive hypothesis on the migration of European glass eels (Anguilla anguilla). Biological Reviews. doi: 10.1111/brv.12609.
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Marine protected areas rescue a sexually selected trait in European lobster

Knutsen Sørdalen, T., K.T. Halvorsen, L.A. Vøllestad, E. Moland & E. Moland Olsen. 2020. Marine protected areas rescue a sexually selected trait in European lobster. Evolutionary Applications, doi: 10.1111/eva.12992.
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Parasite infection directly impacts escape response and stress levels in fish

Allan, B.J.M., B. Illing, E.P. Fakan, P. Narvaez, A.S. Grutter, P.C. Sikkel, E.C. McClure, J.L. Rummer & M.I. McCormick. 2020. Parasite infection directly impacts escape response and stress levels in fish. Journal of Experimental Biology. doi: 10.1242/jeb.230904.
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