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Lipid production in natural phytoplankton communities in a small freshwater Baltic Lake; Schöhsee, Germany.

Rai H., M.T. Arts, B.C. Wainman, N. Dockal & H.J. Krambeck. 1997. Lipid production in natural phytoplankton communities in a small freshwater Baltic Lake; Schöhsee, Germany. Freshwater Biology 38(3): 581-590. DOI: 10.1046/j.1365-2427.1997.00227.x
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The effects of turbulence on the predation cycle of fish larvae: comments on some of the issues.

Browman, H.I. & A.B. Skiftesvik. 1996. The effects of turbulence on the predation cycle of fish larvae: comments on some of the issues. Marine Ecology Progress Series 139: 309-312.
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Predator-prey interactions in the sea: commentaries on the role of turbulence.

Browman, H.I. (Ed.). 1996. Predator-prey interactions in the sea: commentaries on the role of turbulence. Marine Ecology Progress Series 139: 301-312.
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Preliminary breeding trials of wrasse in an intensive system.

Skiftesvik, A.B., K. Boxaspen & A. Parsons. 1996. Preliminary breeding trials of wrasse in an intensive system. pp: 136-141 In: Wrasse: Biology and Use in Aquaculture. Edited by M.D.J. Sayer, J.W. Treasurer & M.J. Costello. Blackwell.
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The Interaction of Calanoid Copepods with a Moving Fluid Environment: Implications for the Role of Feeding Current Morphology in Predator – Prey Interactions.

Fields, D.M. 1996. The Interaction of Calanoid Copepods with a Moving Fluid Environment: Implications for the Role of Feeding Current Morphology in Predator – Prey Interactions. Ph.D. State University of New York. p. 353.

The escape behavior of Pleuromamma xiphias from a quantifiable fluid mechanical disturbance. In Lenz, P.H. D.K. Hartline, J.E. Purcell, and D.L. Macmillan.

Fields, D.M. & J. Yen. 1996. The escape behavior of Pleuromamma xiphias from a quantifiable fluid mechanical disturbance. In Lenz, P.H., D.K. Hartline, J.E. Purcell, & D.L. Macmillan. (eds.), Zooplankton: Sensory Ecology and Physiology. Vol. 1, pp. 323-340. Gordan and Breach Publ., Amsterdam.

Visual pigments and photoreceptors in two species of shark, Triakis semifasciata and Mustelus henlei.

Sillman, A.J., G.A. Letsinger, S. Patel, E.R. Loew & A.P. Klimley. 1996. Visual pigments and photoreceptors in two species of shark, Triakis semifasciata and Mustelus henlei. Journal of Experimental Zoology 276: 1-10.

Persistence of herbicide residues in Gammarus lacustris (Crustacea: Amphipoda) in prairie wetlands.

Arts M.T., J.V. Headley & K.M. Peru. 1996. Persistence of herbicide residues in Gammarus lacustris (Crustacea: Amphipoda) in prairie wetlands. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 15(2): 481-488. DOI: 10.1002/etc.5620150411
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Successful survival of wrasse through winter in submersible netcages in a fjord in western Norway.

Bjelland, R., J. Loekke, L. Simensen & P.G. Kvenseth. 1996. Successful survival of wrasse through winter in submersible netcages in a fjord in western Norway. WRASSE: BIOLOGY AND USE IN AQUACULTURE, FISHING NEWS BOOKS, OXFORD (UK), pp. 265-271
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Determinants of visual pigment spectral location and photoreceptor cell spectral sensitivity.

Loew, E.R. (1995) Determinants of visual pigment spectral location and photoreceptor cell spectral sensitivity. In, The Outer Retina (M.B.A. Djamgoz, S.N. Archer, and S. Vallerga, eds.) London: Chapman Hall, pp. 57-78.

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