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Collaboration with Chile – Linking transcriptomics with ecophysiology and behaviour

22-24 October 2017 – Dr. Cristian Gallardo-Escárate and Ph.D. candidate Gustavo Núñez-Acuña from the Laboratory of Biotechnology and Aquatic Genomics, Interdisciplinary Center for Aquaculture Research (INCAR), University of Concepción, Concepción, Chile, visited us at Austevoll to discuss current and future collaborations on linking transcriptomics in fishes and fish ectoparasites (e.g. sea lice) with ecophysiology and behaviour. Gustavo Núñez-Acuña is working on …

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BONUS SYMPOSIUM: Science delivery for sustainable use of the Baltic Sea living resources

17-19 October 2017 – Howard Browman participated in the BONUS SYMPOSIUM: Science delivery for sustainable use of the Baltic Sea living resources, in Tallinn, Estonia. In addition to representing the ICES Journal of Marine Science (the symposium proceedings will be published therein), he was a member of the stakeholder panel on “Main challenges of sustainable balanced management in fisheries”

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ICES Working Group on eel

3-10 October 2017 – Caroline Durif participated in the ICES Working Group on Eel meeting held in Greece 3-10 October. The meeting main objective as to update the assessment of the status of the eel stock and fisheries. The updated advice and report will be published on 7 November 2017 on the ICES website. More about the ICES Working Group …

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Workshop on the environmental effects of anti-parasitic chemicals used in salmon aquaculture to local populations of crustaceans

21 September 2017 – Rosa Helena Escobar participated in a workshop on the environmental effects of salmon lice therapeutants at the IRIS Research Institute. Representatives from the Norwegian  Directorate of Fisheries, chemical company Solvey, seafood company Marine Harvest ASA, research institutes IMR, NIVA and IRIS, and many other participants presented and discussed research on various chemicals, their use and the …

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ICES Annual Science Conference

18-21 September 2017 – Howard Browman, Caroline Durif and Alessandro Cresci participated in the ICES Annual Science Conference in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, USA. Caroline presented a talk entitled, “Depth, home range and migratory behavior of European eels tracked in coastal marine waters in Norway” and Alessandro presented a talk entitled, “Glass eel (Anguilla anguilla) have a magnetic compass linked to the …

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Information day on ocean acidification at the Norwegian Environment Agency

14 September 2017 – Howard Browman participated in an information day on ocean acidification at the Norwegian Environment Agency where he presented a talk – intended to motivate discussion – entitled, “How applying organized skepticism to ocean acidification research can inform us about what we must/must not do next”. You can watch the lecture HERE.

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Fiskar etter svar om ålen (Fishing for answers about the eel)

22 August 2017 – HERE is an article, and video, about the Team’s work (led by Caroline Durif) on population dynamics of the European eel in Norwegian waters (in Norwegian). The opening of a small-scale (20 tons) eel fishery in Norway in support of this research – in collaboration with 29 fishers – was reported on by the Norwegian trade …

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Howard Browman elected to serve on the Council of the Committee on Publication Ethics

28 July 2017 – Howard Browman was recently elected to serve a three year term as a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics‘ Council. With >11000 members, and growing, COPE is the worldwide authority on best practice and ethics in scholarly publishing and journal editing. This important position complements well Howard’s role as Editor-in-Chief of the ICES Journal of …

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The Odyssean migration of the European eel – How a magnetic compass linked to an internal biological clock prevents glass eels from being lost at sea

09 June 2017 – The odyssey of the European eel begins when they hatch in the Sargasso Sea. As little leptocephalus larvae, they travel thousands of kilometers across the Atlantic Ocean, hopefully making it to the European continental shelf. When eel leptocephali arrive at the continental shelf, they metamorphose into transparent glass eels, changing shape, physiology and behavior. At some point …

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Howard Browman at the European Food Safety Authority

11-12 May 2017 – Howard Browman was Program Moderator  for the animal consciousness sub-program, and a Scientific Expert, at the Annual Meeting of the European Food Safety Authority‘s Annual Animal Health and Welfare Network Meeting, Parma, Italy. Read the executive summary of the document on animal consciousness HERE, and the complete document HERE.

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High-level delegation tours the lab!

21 April 2017: Howard Browman, Anne Berit Skiftesvik, David Fields and Alessandro Cresci showed the lab, and explained our projects, to Per Sandberg (Norwegian Minister of Fisheries) and Shuping Zhi (Chinese Minister of Veterinary Issues).  

The team’s recent (= 2017) publications

2017 Bailey, A., P. Thor, H.I. Browman, D.M. Fields, J.A. Runge, A. Vermont, R. Bjelland, C. Thompson, S. Shema, C.M.F. Durif & H. Hop. 2017. The early life stages of the Arctic copepod Calanus glacialis are unaffected by increased seawater pCO2. ICES Journal of Marine Science 74: 996-1004.Read the paper Bailey, A., P. de Wit, P. Thor, H.I. Browman, R.M. …

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Ph.D. student Alessandro Cresci at Austevoll to conduct his field work!

April-June 2017 – Alessandro Cresci is here to work with us on swimming and orientation in glass eels. He will be working in our Magnetic Laboratory facility to assess how glass eels use the earth’s magnetic field as an orientation cue in their migrations. He will also test glass eel (and saithe larvae) swimming and orientation in the field using …

Visiting researcher from China

28 March 2017 – Bin Kang, from the Fishery College of Jimei University in Xiamen, China, will be visiting with us for three weeks this spring in order to plan a longer collaborative visit sometime in the near future.