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Eels only reach puberty at the age of 19

25 May 2020 – Read a story about this new article by the team: Durif, Caroline; Diserud, Ola; Sandlund, Odd Terje; Thorstad, Eva; Poole, Russel; Bergesen, Knut; Escobar-Lux, Rosa; Shema, Steven; Vøllestad, Leif Asbjørn. 2020. Age of European silver eels during a period of declining abundance in Norway. Ecology and Evolution 2020;00:1-15.Read the paper

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Read a story about our recent article on swimming and orientation in herring larvae

3 May 2020. Read a story about our recent article, Cresci, Alessandro, Bridie J. M. Allan, Steven D. Shema, Anne Berit Skiftesvik, and Howard I. Browman. 2020. Orientation behavior and swimming speed of Atlantic herring larvae (Clupea harengus) in situ and in laboratory exposures to rotated artificial magnetic fields. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 526 (2020): 151358. Link …

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Munin conference on scholarly publishing

26-28 November 2019 – Howard Browman and Mirjam Curno led a Committee on Publication Ethics sponsored workshop on Standards of Peer Review the day before the Munin Conference (see photo below). Howard presented a talk at the conference entitled, “Applying organized skepticism to preprints“. Read the abstract of the talk HERE and watch a video of the talk HERE. All …

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Alessandro Cresci defends his dissertation and becomes “Dr. Cresci”!

14 November 2019 – As external members of his Doctoral Committee, Howard Browman and Caroline Durif participated (remotely by skype) in Alessandro Cresci’s defense of his Ph.D. dissertation, “Magnetic and celestial orientation of migrating European glass eels (Anguilla anguilla)”. He did a great job presenting the work and fielding the questions, leaving the Committee with only the formality of signing …

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5-7 November 2019 – Rosa Escobar and Howard Browman participated in this ICES-sponsored symposium in Tromsø, Norway. Rosa did a great job presenting her work, “The toxicity of the chemotherapeutant, hydrogen peroxide, on European lobster (Homarus gammarus) larvae and post-larvae”. Howard presented a talk entitled “Everything that you need to know about submitting your manuscript for publication in the Symposium …

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Alessandro Cresci’s article, “The relationship between the moon cycle and the orientation of glass eels (Anguilla anguilla) at sea” is published!

30 October 2019 – Alessandro Cresci’s latest article was published today:Cresci, A,. C. M. F. Durif, C. B. Paris, C. Thompson, S. Shema, A. B. Skiftesvik and H. I. Browman. 2019. The relationship between the moon cycle and the orientation of glass eels (Anguilla anguilla) at sea. Royal Society Open Science. 6: 190812, doi: 10.1098/rsos.190812Read the paperRead the press release, …

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Alessandro Cresci’s article on magnetic imprinting in glass eels is published and covered by the news media

8 October 2019 – Alessandro’s latest article is published in the Nature-Springer journal, Communications Biology and is covered by the news media. Cresci, A, C.B. Paris, C.M.F. Durif, S. Shema, C. Thompson, R. Bjelland, A.B. Skiftesvik & H.I. Browman. 2019. Glass eels (Anguilla anguilla) imprint the magnetic direction of tidal currents from their juvenile estuaries.  Communications Biology (2019) 2:366. | …

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Committee on Publication Ethics, European Seminar 2019

23 September 2019, Leiden, The Netherlands – In his capacity as a Member of the Committee on Publication Ethics’ (COPE) Council, Howard Browman participated in the COPE European Seminar 2019, “Daily realities and future challenges in publication ethics”. He presented COPE’s recently updated guidance document on retracting articles, a project that he led. The updated guidance document can be downloaded …

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Using machine vision to identify coastal fishes

9 August 2019 – Kim Halvorsen (working with the QuadEye in the photo above), Torkel Larsen, Tonje Sørdalen, Anne Berit Skiftesvik and other members of our Team are using a new tool – the QuadEye – to support our work on machine vision-learning and artificial intelligence to identify coastal fishes from video and photo surveys, including citizen science.The QuadEye is …

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Challenging the Scientific Legacy of Johan Hjort

12-14 June 2019 – Howard Browman participated in the ICES-sponsored Johan Hjort Symposium at which he presented the history and current status of the ICES Journal of Marine Science and was a panelist during the session “When historians meet marine scientists”. The program of the symposium can be viewed HERE. Contributions from the symposium will be published in a special …