Effects of exposure to low concentrations of oil on expression of cytochrome P4501a and routine swimming speed of Atlantic haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus) larvae in situ

Cresci, A., C.B. Paris, H.I. Browman, A.B. Skiftesvik, S. Shema, R. Bjelland, C.M.F. Durif, M. Foretich, C. Di Persia, V. Lucchese, F.B. Vikebø & E. Sørhus. 2020. Effects of exposure to low concentrations of oil on expression of cytochrome P4501a and routine swimming speed of Atlantic haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus) larvae in situ. Environmental Science & Technology 54: 13879-13887, doi: 10.1021/acs.est.0c04889.
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