Assessing the effects of offshore wind turbine facilities on fish early life stages

June 2021 – This has been an intense period for Alessandro Cresci, who has been conducting field work using a unique combination of intruments to assess if/how the operational noise generated by offshore wind turbines affects the swiming and orientation behaviour of fish larvae. Alessandro places fish larvae into drifting chambers and, using a Geospectrum Technologies C-Bass speaker, simultaneously plays back the low frequency sound produced by wind turbines. Hydrophones and a Geospectrum Technologies 3-D particle velocimeter are also deployed to characterize the signal being presented to the fish larvae. Alessandro had help getting all of this done from several members of the team! For more information about this project, see HERE (scroll down the page until you find it).

Alessandro Cresci and Steve Shema deploying a drifting chamber
3-D particle velocimeter
Steve, Guosong and Anne Berit
Caroline, Guosong and Howard