ICES/PICES 6th Zooplankton production symposium

9-13 May 2016 – Howard Browman, Caroline Durif, Anne Berit Skiftesvik, and David Fields participated in the ICES/PICES 6th Zooplankton Production Symposium where they presented three posters and one oral presentation:

Browman, H.I., J.A. Runge, D.M. Fields, C.R.S. Thompson, S.D. Shema, R.M. Bjelland, C.M.F. Durif & A.B. Skiftesvik. End of the century CO2 concentrations do not have a negative effect on vital rates of Calanus finmarchicus, an ecologically critical planktonic species in North Atlantic ecosystems. POSTER

Durif, C.M.F., D.M. Fields, H.I. Browman, S.D. Shema, J. Enoae, A.B. Skiftsevik, R.M. Bjelland, R. Sommaruga & M. Arts. Cascading effects of UV radiation on a simple marine food chain. POSTER

Fields, D.M., J.A. Runge, C. Thompson, S.D. Shema, R.M. Bjelland, C.M.F. Durif, A.B. Skiftesvik & H.I. Browan. Infection of the planktonic copepod Calanus finmarchicus by the parasitic dinoflagellate, Blastodinium spp: effects on grazing, respiration, fecundity and fecal pellet production. POSTER

Zarubin, M., Y. Lindemann, O. Brunner, D.M. Fields, H.I. Browman & A. Genin. The effect of hydrostatic pressure on grazing in three calanoid copepods. ORAL


Caroline Durif showing off her poster


David Fields showing off his poster