Caroline Durif, Anne Berit Skiftesvik and Reidun Bjelland go South to sample and tag eel

October 2018 – Caroline DurifAnne Berit Skiftesvik and Reidun Bjelland made several trips to southern Norway to talk with fishers (engaged in a sentinel fishery to assess the population status of the European eel along the Norwegian coast) and to tag eel as part of the Team’s MAREEL project (led by Caroline). Eels were tagged with data storage tags that record depth and temperature. Some of the eels were collected on their spawning migration down the river Imsa (at the Norwegian Institute for Nature Research station located there).
Read an article about the MAREEL project HERE.

Caroline and Anne Berit out collecting and tagging eel


Eel with data storage tag to be surgically implanted in the intraperitoneal cavity


Caroline Durif with the largest European eel that she has ever collected!